LMR 916 TS 16V undercarriage set "Turismo"
(ca. 3-4 weken levertijd!)
Specialist in Alfa Romeo 916 Spider & Gtv | Fiat X1/9 parts
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€1.255,00 – €1.305,00
LMR 916 TS 16V undercarriage set "Turismo"
(ca. 3-4 weken levertijd!)
LMR-BR916TST (ca. 3-4 weken levertijd!)
LMR 916 TS 16V undercarriage set Comfort "Turismo"
Onze bestseller! De LMR Turismo is de ideale upgrade voor elke 916 Spider of GTV waarbij het originele rijcomfort vrijwel gehandhaafd blijft terwijl de wegligging er zelfs flink op voorruit gaat. De rijhoogte is volledig naar persoonlijke voorkeur instelbaar, waarbij aan de achterzijde op een minimale verlaging van ca. 15 mm moet worden gerekend. Ook vanuit kostenoogpunt zéér interessant aangezien deze schroefset tevens o.a. de veerpootlagers vervangt.
LMR 916 TS 16V undercarriage set Comfort "Turismo Forza"
You can also choose the LMR Turismo Forza upgrade! This Forza specification is just slightly (approx. 12%) firmer sprung. However, this is a nuance difference, with the emphasis still remaining on comfort.
Applicability : Alfa Romeo 916 Spider / GTV Twin Spark models 1994 - 2005
This LMR undercarriage kit, based on the BC Racing BR series uses hefty 46 MM pistons in a spacious 53 MM damper housing. This ensures optimum oil volume which contributes in lower peak temperatures and significant improvement in damping performance. Inside the damper, the oil normally heats up under driving loads and its viscosity also changes with increasing temperature. This can lead to changing characteristics of the damper. Besides the increased oil capacity, a high-quality oil is also used in these suspension kits to maximise performance.